Tutorial: AsymptoticBondiData

The scri.asymptotic_bondi_data.AsymptoticBondiData() class (or ABD for short) is a convenient way to store and work with the standard set of asymptotic waveform quantities: the five Weyl scalars \((\Psi_4, \Psi_3, \Psi_2, \Psi_1, \Psi_0)\) and the Newman-Penrose shear \(\sigma\). These waveform quantities can be expanded in a spin-weighted spherical harmonic (SWSH) basis, and the coefficients of each mode will be stored in the ABD object.

The ABD class makes it simple to compute BMS charges and fluxes, and it serves as a vehicle for elaborate calculations invovling asymptotic data. See the class documentation for more details on all it has to offer. This tutorial is by no means an exhaustive overview of the class.

Creating an AsymptoticBondiData Object

To create an ABD object, we first need to define the time series that all the waveform quantities share, the highest value of \(\ell\) in the SWSH expansion, and how we will treat values of \(\ell\) larger than ell_max during operations:

>>> abd = scri.asymptotic_bondi_data.AsymptoticBondiData(
...     time = np.linspace(0,10,11),
...     ell_max = 8,
...     multiplication_truncator = max,
... )

When multiplying two fields, the SWSH expansion of the product will require a higher ell_max. Setting multiplication_truncator=sum will choose the ell_max of the product of two fields to be the sum of ell_max for each field. Here we defined each waveform quantity in abd to have ell_max=8, which means that the product \(\sigma\Psi_4\) will be represented by ell_max = 16. This means that the total modes stored for ell_max = 16 is 289 modes, as opposed to 81 modes for ell_max = 8. Although it is more correct to keep all these modes, given the precision of numerical relativity (NR) waveforms it is often sufficient to set multiplication_truncator=max as we have done here. This will instead choose the ell_max of the product of the two fields to be the max of the values of ell_max for each field. In this case, the product \(\sigma\Psi_4\) will be represented by ell_max=8.

Now that abd is set up, we can proceed to add some asymptotic data to it. The data should be a numpy.ndarray of shape (n_times, (ell_max + 1)**2) , where n_times is the size of the time array passed into the definition of abd above. This array must contain the coefficients of the SWSH modes starting from \(\ell=0\), even these modes are all zeros. The \((\ell,m)\) modes must also be in the following order:

(0,0), (1,-1), (1,0), (1,1), (2,-2), (2,1), (2,0),…

If we have an array psi4_mode_data of coefficients for \(\Psi_4\), then we can load this into abd by:

>>> abd.psi4 = psi4_mode_data

You can load the data for abd.sigma, abd.psi3, abd.psi2, abd.psi1, and abd.psi0 in the same way. There are two crucial points to note for numerical relativists. First, the ABD class uses the Moreschi-Boyle convention, which is not the standard convention used in NR. See Appendices B and C of arXiv:2010.15200 for more information. Second, the Newman-Penrose shear \(\sigma\) is not the gravitational-wave strain \(h\). In the Moreschi-Boyle convention, we have the relation \(h = \bar{\sigma}\), but this relation is not gauranteed in every convention and only holds for asymptotic quantities.

To make the ABD interface more nicely with NR waveforms, there is a tool for directly creating an ABD object from the HDF5 files of the SXS waveform catalog or any other catalog using the same file format:

>>> abd = scri.SpEC.create_abd_from_h5(
...     "SXS",
...     h    = "/path/to/rhOverM_file.h5",
...     Psi4 = "/path/to/rMPsi4_file.h5",
...     Psi3 = "/path/to/r2Psi3_file.h5",
...     Psi2 = "/path/to/r3Psi2OverM_file.h5",
...     Psi1 = "/path/to/r4Psi1OverM2_file.h5",
...     Psi0 = "/path/to/r5Psi0OverM3_file.h5",
... )

The first argument specifies three different ways that the HDF5 files can be internally structured. We currently support SXS for extrapolated asymptotic files in the the SXS catalog, CCE for asymptotic files produced by SpECTRE CCE, and RPXMB for compressed waveform files. See the documentation for scri.SpEC.file_io.create_abd_from_h5() for more information about these formats. This loader will convert the data into the Moreschi-Boyle convention and set \(\sigma = \bar{h}\) for abd.sigma.

Calculations with ModesTimeSeries

With a fully loaded ABD in hand, let’s do some computations! The time array can be accessed by:

>>> abd.t   # or abd.u

and the data for any individual quantity can be accessed by:

>>> abd.sigma
>>> abd.psi4
>>> abd.psi3
>>> abd.psi2
>>> abd.psi1
>>> abd.psi0

Individual modes of abd.psi4 (for example) can be accessed by the abd.psi4.index function. Alternatively, you can use the spherical_functions.LM_index function from the spherical_functions module. This can be aliased to lm for convenience, as done below. The third argument of LM_index is ell_min, but we always have ell_min=0 for ABD.

>>> # Get the (2,1) mode of Psi4
>>> l, m = 2, 1
>>> abd.psi4[:, abd.psi4.index(l,m)]

>>> # Alternatively:
>>> from spherical_functions import LM_index as lm
>>> abd.psi4[:, lm(l,m,0)]

The data for each quantity is stored as a scri.modes_time_series.ModesTimeSeries():

>>> type(abd.sigma)
<class 'scri.modes_time_series.ModesTimeSeries'>

There are many built-in functions that can be performed with a ModesTimeSeries, and multiple operations can be composed easily. Multiple operations will be performed in order from left to right.

>>> # take a derivative or two
>>> psi4_dot  = abd.psi4.dot
>>> psi4_ddot = abd.psi4.ddot

>>> # Integrate once or twice
>>> psi4_int  = abd.psi4.int
>>> psi4_iint = abd.psi4.iint

>>> # Apply the eth or ethbar operator (using the GHP definition,
>>> # which is the one that is natural to the Moreschi-Boyle convention)
>>> eth_psi4    = abd.psi4.eth_GHP
>>> ethbar_psi4 = abd.psi4.ethbar_GHP

>>> # If you really want to use the Newman-Penrose eth operators then you can do:
>>> eth_psi4    = abd.psi4.eth
>>> ethbar_psi4 = abd.psi4.ethbar

>>> # Get fancy and combine them together
>>> abd.sigma.dot.eth_GHP.eth_GHP

These operations will respect and update the spin-weight accordingly:

>>> # Check the spin-weight
>>> abd.sigma.s
>>> abd.sigma.bar.s
>>> abd.sigma.dot.eth_GHP.eth_GHP.s

We can add ABD quantities together, but only in a way that makes sense. An error will be thrown for adding quantities of different spin weights:

>>> # This will throw an error
>>> abd.psi4 + abd.psi3

>>> # This will work!
>>> abd.psi4.eth_GHP + abd.psi3

There are two ways to perform multiplication with ModesTimeSeries quantities. Here we do not mean multiplying the mode coefficients together, but properly multiplying the fields and return the mode coefficients of the product. The more straightforward way to perform a multiplication is:

>>> sigma_psi4 = abd.sigma * abd.psi4

This will combine the mode coefficients with Wigner-3j symbols to compute the resulting mode coefficients of the product. The benefits of this approach are that it is straightforward to code and it does not suffer from aliasing effects. The downside is that it take a long time to run, so make sure you store the result as a variable if you will be using it more than once!

The second way to perform a multiplication is:

>>> sigma_psi4 = abd.sigma.grid_multiply(abd.psi4)

This will convert abd.sigma and abd.psi from a spectral representation to a physical-space representation by evaluating the fields on a grid of points on \(\mathscr{I}^+\). The mutliplication is performed pointwise and then transformed back to a spectral representation. This approach is much faster. However, if the value of ell_max is not high enough then aliasing effects might arise. See the documentation on scri.modes_time_series.ModesTimeSeries.grid_multiply() for options to adjust ell_max during the operation.

This just scratches the surface of all you can do with the ABD class. See the documentation on scri.asymptotic_bondi_data.AsymptoticBondiData() and scri.modes_time_series.ModesTimeSeries() to explore more functions.


When taking the real part, imaginary part, or the complex conjugate, be very careful to know whether you are acting on the quantity as a field or just the modes of the quantity. For example:

>>> # This takes the real part of the quantity Psi2, and then
>>> # returns the modes of Re(Psi2). The mode weights are still complex!
>>> abd.psi2.real

>>> # This returns the real part of the mode weights of Psi2.
>>> # This is an array of real numbers!
>>> abd.psi2.ndarray.real

>>> # This returns the modes of the complex conjugate of sigma.
>>> # This is usually what you want.
>>> abd.sigma.bar

>>> # This returns the complex conjguate of the modes of sigma.
>>> # This is usually NOT what you want.
>>> np.conjugate(abd.sigma.ndarray)

BMS Transformations

Spacetime translations, supertranslations, frame rotations, and boosts can all be performed with the scri.asymptotic_bondi_data.AsymptoticBondiData.transform() function. See the documentation of the function for details. All the quantities in the ABD object will be transformed together. The transformation is not performed in place, so it will return a new ABD with the transformed data:

>>> abd_prime = abd.transform(
...     space_translation=[-1., 4., 0.2],
...     boost_velocity=[0., 0., 1e-2],
... )

These components of a BMS transformation can also all be stored in the scri.bms_transformations.BMSTransformation() class, which allows for things like reording the components of the BMS transformation, inverting BMS transformations, and composing BMS transformations. For more, see Tutorial: BMSTransformation/LorentzTransformation.