Source code for scri.SpEC.file_io

# Copyright (c) 2021, Michael Boyle
# See LICENSE file for details: <>

import warnings
import os
import re
import ast
import numpy as np
import h5py
import quaternion
import spherical_functions as sf
from ... import (
import sxs
from sxs.metadata import Metadata
from . import corotating_paired_xor, rotating_paired_xor_multishuffle_bzip2
from ...asymptotic_bondi_data import AsymptoticBondiData

rpxmb = rotating_paired_xor_multishuffle_bzip2

[docs] def translate_data_types_GWFrames_to_waveforms(d): if d < 8: return {0: UnknownDataType, 1: h, 2: hdot, 3: psi4, 4: psi3, 5: psi2, 6: psi1, 7: psi0}[d] else: return DataType[d - 8]
[docs] def translate_data_types_waveforms_to_GWFrames(d): if d in [UnknownDataType, h, hdot, psi4, psi3, psi2, psi1, psi0]: return {UnknownDataType: 0, h: 1, hdot: 2, psi4: 3, psi3: 4, psi2: 5, psi1: 6, psi0: 7}[d] else: return d + 8
[docs] @jit def index_is_monotonic(y): length = y.size monotonic = np.ones_like(y, dtype=np.bool_) direction = y[-1] - y[0] if direction > 0.0: max_value = y[0] for i in range(1, length): if y[i] <= max_value: monotonic[i] = False else: max_value = y[i] else: min_value = y[0] for i in range(1, length): if y[i] >= min_value: monotonic[i] = False else: min_value = y[i] return monotonic
[docs] def monotonic_indices(y): indices = np.arange(y.size) return indices[index_is_monotonic(y)]
[docs] def monotonize(y): return y[monotonic_indices(y)]
[docs] def read_from_h5(file_name, **kwargs): """Read data from an H5 file in SXS format Note that SXS format is essentially compatible with NRAR format. The existence of this function is not to be taken as the author's endorsement of either SXS or NRAR format. Parameters ---------- file_name : str Path to H5 file containing the data, optionally including the path within the file itself to the directory containing the data. For example, the standard SXS data with N=2 might be obtained with the file name `'rhOverM_Asymptotic_GeometricUnits.h5/Extrapolated_N2.dir'`. Keyword parameters ------------------ frameType : int, optional dataType : int, optional r_is_scaled_out : bool, optional m_is_scaled_out : bool, optional These four parameters are documented in the docstring of the WaveformBase object. Note that if any of these is present in the H5 file (which is not common) that value will override this argument. If neither the file nor these parameters are present, defaults will be applied, assuming that the frame is inertial, R and M are both scaled out, and the data type (hdot, h, psi4, psi4, psi2, psi1, or psi0) can be gleaned from `file_name`. See also -------- : Save a waveform in RPXMB format scri.rpxmb.load : Load a file in RPXMB format """ import os.path import re import h5py import quaternion # This unfortunate concoction is needed to determine the (ell,m) values of the various mode data sets pattern_Ylm = re.compile(r"""Y_l(?P<L>[0-9]+)_m(?P<M>[-+0-9]+)\.dat""") # Initialize an empty object to be filled with goodies w = WaveformModes(constructor_statement=f'scri.SpEC.read_from_h5("{file_name}", **{kwargs})') # Get an h5py handle to the desired part of the h5 file try: file_name, root_group = file_name.rsplit(".h5", 1) file_name += ".h5" except ValueError: root_group = "" # FileName is just a file, not a group in a file try: f_h5 = h5py.File(file_name, "r") except OSError: print(f"\n`read_from_h5` could not open the file '{file_name}'\n\n") raise if root_group: f = f_h5[root_group] else: f = f_h5 # If it exists, add the metadata file to `w` as an object. So, for example, the initial spin on # object 1 can be accessed as `w.metadata.initial_spin1`. See the documentation of # `sxs.metadata.Metadata` for more details. And in IPython, tab completion works on the # `w.metadata` object. try: w.metadata = Metadata.from_file( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file_name), "metadata"), ignore_invalid_lines=True, cache_json=False ) except: pass # Probably couldn't find the metadata.json/metadata.txt file try: # Make sure the h5py.File gets closed, even in the event of an exception # Add the old history to the new history, if found try: try: old_history = f["History.txt"][()].decode() except AttributeError: old_history = f["History.txt"][()] w._append_history("", 0) w._append_history("<previous_history>", 2) w._append_history(old_history, 1) w._append_history("</previous_history>", 2) except KeyError: old_history = False # Get the frame data, converting to quaternion objects try: w.frame = quaternion.as_quat_array(f["Frame"]) except KeyError: pass # There was no frame data # Get the descriptive items try: w.frameType = int(f.attrs["FrameType"]) except KeyError: if "frameType" in kwargs: w.frameType = int(kwargs.pop("frameType")) else: warning = ( f"\n`frameType` was not found in '{file_name}' or the keyword arguments.\n" + "Using default value `{}`. You may want to set it manually.\n\n".format(FrameNames[1]) ) warnings.warn(warning) w.frameType = 1 try: w.dataType = translate_data_types_GWFrames_to_waveforms(int(f.attrs["DataType"])) except KeyError: if "dataType" in kwargs: w.dataType = int(kwargs.pop("dataType")) else: found = False for type_int, type_name in zip(reversed(DataType), reversed(DataNames)): if type_name.lower() in file_name.lower(): found = True w.dataType = type_int warning = ( f"\n`dataType` was not found in '{file_name}' or the keyword arguments.\n" + f"Using default value `{type_name}`. You may want to set it manually." ) warnings.warn(warning) break if not found: warning = ( f"\n`dataType` was not found in '{file_name}' or the keyword arguments.\n" + "You may want to set it manually." ) warnings.warn(warning) try: w.r_is_scaled_out = bool(f.attrs["RIsScaledOut"]) except KeyError: if "r_is_scaled_out" in kwargs: w.r_is_scaled_out = bool(kwargs.pop("r_is_scaled_out")) else: warning = ( f"\n`r_is_scaled_out` was not found in '{file_name}' or the keyword arguments.\n" + "Using default value `True`. You may want to set it manually.\n\n" ) warnings.warn(warning) w.r_is_scaled_out = True try: w.m_is_scaled_out = bool(f.attrs["MIsScaledOut"]) except KeyError: if "m_is_scaled_out" in kwargs: w.m_is_scaled_out = bool(kwargs.pop("m_is_scaled_out")) else: warning = ( f"\n`m_is_scaled_out` was not found in '{file_name}' or the keyword arguments.\n" + "Using default value `True`. You may want to set it manually.\n\n" ) warnings.warn(warning) w.m_is_scaled_out = True # Get the names of all the data sets in the h5 file, and check for matches YLMdata = [data_set for data_set in list(f) for m in [] if m] if len(YLMdata) == 0: raise ValueError( f"Couldn't understand data set names in '{file_name}'.\n" + "Maybe you need to add the directory within the h5 file.\n" + f"E.g.: '{file_name}/Extrapolated_N2.dir'." ) # Sort the data set names by increasing ell, then increasing m YLMdata = sorted( YLMdata, key=lambda data_set: [ int("L")), int("M")), ], ) LM = np.array( sorted( [ [int("L")), int("M"))] for data_set in YLMdata for m in [] if m ] ) ) ell_min, ell_max = min(LM[:, 0]), max(LM[:, 0]) if not np.array_equal(LM, sf.LM_range(ell_min, ell_max)): raise ValueError(f"Input [ell,m] modes are not complete. Found modes:\n{LM}\n") n_modes = len(LM) # Get the time data (assuming all are equal) T = f[YLMdata[0]][:, 0] monotonic = index_is_monotonic(T) w.t = T[monotonic] n_times = len(w.t) # Loop through, setting data in each mode = np.empty((n_times, n_modes), dtype=complex) for m, DataSet in enumerate(YLMdata): if f[DataSet].shape[0] != n_times: raise ValueError( f"The number of time steps in this dataset should be {n_times}; " + "it is {} in '{}'.".format(f[DataSet].shape[0], DataSet) )[:, m] = f[DataSet][:, 1:3].view(dtype=complex)[monotonic, 0] # Now that the data is set, we can set these w.ells = ell_min, ell_max # If possible, retrieve the CoM-correction parameters try: if hasattr(f, "attrs") and "space_translation" in f.attrs: w.space_translation = np.array(list(f.attrs["space_translation"])) elif old_history: pattern = r"'{}': array\((.*?)\)".format("space_translation") matches =, old_history) if matches: w.space_translation = np.array(ast.literal_eval( except: pass try: if hasattr(f, "attrs") and "boost_velocity" in f.attrs: w.boost_velocity = np.array(list(f.attrs["boost_velocity"])) elif old_history: pattern = r"'{}': array\((.*?)\)".format("boost_velocity") matches =, old_history) if matches: w.boost_velocity = np.array(ast.literal_eval( except: pass # If possible, retrieve the CoM-correction parameters try: if "VersionHist.ver" in f_h5: w.version_hist = [ [git_hash.decode("ascii"), message.decode("ascii")] for git_hash, message in f_h5["VersionHist.ver"][()].tolist() ] except: pass # Check up on the validity of the waveform if not w.ensure_validity(alter=True, assertions=False): raise ValueError("The data resulting from this input is invalid") except KeyError: print("\nThis H5 file appears to have not stored all the required information.\n\n") raise # Re-raise the exception after adding our information finally: # Use `finally` to make sure this happens: f_h5.close() if kwargs: import pprint warnings.warn("\nUnused kwargs passed to this function:\n{}".format(pprint.pformat(kwargs, width=1))) return w
[docs] def write_to_h5(w, file_name, file_write_mode="w", attributes={}, use_NRAR_format=True): """ Output the Waveform to an HDF5 file. Default behavior uses the NRAR format. Note that the file_name is prepended with some descriptive information involving the data type and the frame type, such as 'rhOverM_Corotating_' or 'rMpsi4_Aligned_'. See also -------- : Save a waveform in RPXMB format scri.rpxmb.load : Load a file in RPXMB format """ import os.path import h5py import warnings group = None if ".h5" in file_name and not file_name.endswith(".h5"): file_name, group = file_name.split(".h5") file_name += ".h5" # Add descriptive prefix to file_name base_name = w.descriptor_string + "_" + os.path.basename(file_name) if not os.path.dirname(file_name): file_name = base_name else: file_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file_name), base_name) # Open the file for output try: f = h5py.File(file_name, file_write_mode) except OSError: # If that did not work... print(f"write_to_h5 was unable to open the file '{file_name}'.\n\n") raise # re-raise the exception after the informative message above try: # If we are writing to a group within the file, create it if group: g = f.create_group(group) else: g = f # Now write all the data to various groups in the file g.attrs["OutputFormatVersion"] = "scri.SpEC" g.create_dataset("History.txt", data="\n".join(w.history) + f"\n\nwrite_to_h5({w}, {file_name})\n") g.attrs["FrameType"] = w.frameType g.attrs["DataType"] = translate_data_types_waveforms_to_GWFrames(w.dataType) g.attrs["RIsScaledOut"] = int(w.r_is_scaled_out) g.attrs["MIsScaledOut"] = int(w.m_is_scaled_out) if len(w.version_hist) > 0: try: version_hist = [[e.encode("ascii", "ignore") for e in hm] for hm in w.version_hist] except AttributeError: version_hist = w.version_hist g.create_dataset("VersionHist.ver", data=version_hist) for attr in attributes: try: g.attrs[attr] = attributes[attr] except: warning = f"scri.SpEC.write_to_h5 unable to output attribute {attr}={attributes[attr]}" warnings.warn(warning) if use_NRAR_format: for i_m in range(w.n_modes): ell, m = w.LM[i_m] Data_m = g.create_dataset( f"Y_l{ell}_m{m}.dat", data=[[t, d.real, d.imag] for t, d in zip(w.t,[:, i_m])], compression="gzip", shuffle=True, ) Data_m.attrs["ell"] = ell Data_m.attrs["m"] = m else: g.create_dataset("Time", data=w.t.tolist(), compression="gzip", shuffle=True) if len(w.frame) > 0: g.create_dataset("Frame", data=[[r.w, r.x, r.y, r.z] for r in w.frame]) else: g.create_dataset("Frame", shape=()) Data = g.create_group("Data") for i_m in range(w.n_modes): ell, m = w.LM[i_m] Data_m = Data.create_dataset( "l{}_m{:+}".format(int(ell), int(m)),[:, i_m], compression="gzip", shuffle=True ) Data_m.attrs["ell"] = ell Data_m.attrs["m"] = m finally: # Use `finally` to make sure this happens: f.close()
[docs] def create_abd_from_h5(file_format, convention="SpEC", **kwargs): """Returns an AsymptoticBondiData object with waveform data loaded from specified H5 files. The AsymptoticBondiData class internally uses the Moreschi-Boyle conventions, see the following reference: O. Moreschi, On angular momentum at future null infinity, DOI:10.1088/0264-9381/3/4/006 If necessary, the waveform data will be converted to the Moreschi-Boyle conventions when loaded. Parameters ---------- file_format : 'SXS', 'CCE', 'SpECTRECCE1', 'RPDMB', or 'RPXMB' The H5 files may be in the one of the following file formats: * 'SXS' - Dimensionless extrapolated waveform files found in the SXS Catalog, also known as NRAR format. * 'CCE' - Asymptotic waveforms output by SpECTRE CCE. These are not dimensionless. * 'SpECTRECCE1' - Asymptotic waveforms output by SpECTRE CCE's original format. * SpECTRECCE' - Asymptotic waveforms output by SpECTRE CCE's newest format. (NOTE: this may break compatibility) * 'RPDMB' - Dimensionless waveforms compressed using the rotating_paired_diff_multishuffle_bzip2 format. * 'RPXMB' - Dimensionless waveforms compressed using the rotating_paired_xor_multishuffle_bzip2 format. convention : 'SpEC' or 'Moreschi-Boyle' The data conventions of the waveform data that will be loaded. This defaults to 'SpEC' since this will be most often used with 'SpEC' convention waveforms. Keyword Parameters ------------------ Psi4 : str, optional Psi3 : str, optional Psi2 : str, optional Psi1 : str, optional Psi0 : str, optional h : str, optional Path to H5 file containing the data. At least ONE the above waveform quantities is required. Returns ------- AsymptoticBondiData """ # Use case insensitive parameters file_format = file_format.lower() convention = convention.lower() # Load waveform data from H5 files into WaveformModes objects WMs = {} filenames = {} if file_format == "spectrecce" or file_format == "spectrecce1": file_name = kwargs.pop("file_name") with h5py.File(file_name, "r") as f: cce = f["Cce"] time = cce["Strain.dat"][:, 0] indices = monotonic_indices(time) time = time[indices] ell_max = int(np.sqrt((cce["Strain.dat"].shape[1]-1) / 2) - 1) for data_label in ["Psi4", "Psi3", "Psi2", "Psi1", "Psi0", "Strain"]: if data_label != "Strain": dataType = DataNames.index(data_label) else: dataType = DataNames.index("h") WMs[data_label] = WaveformModes( t=time, data=cce[f"{data_label}.dat"][indices, 1:].view(np.complex128), ell_min=0, ell_max=ell_max, frameType=Inertial, dataType=dataType, constructor_statement=f"create_abd_from_h5({file_format}, {convention=}, {file_name=})", r_is_scaled_out=True, m_is_scaled_out=False, ) else: for data_label in ["Psi4", "Psi3", "Psi2", "Psi1", "Psi0", "h"]: if data_label in kwargs: filenames[data_label] = kwargs.pop(data_label) if file_format == "sxs": WMs[data_label] = read_from_h5(filenames[data_label]) elif file_format == "cce": WMs[data_label] = read_from_h5( filenames[data_label], dataType=DataNames.index(data_label), frameType=Inertial, r_is_scaled_out=True, m_is_scaled_out=False, ) elif file_format == "rpxmb" or file_format == "rpxm": WMs[data_label] = rotating_paired_xor_multishuffle_bzip2.load(filenames[data_label])[0] WMs[data_label].to_inertial_frame() elif file_format == "rpdmb" or file_format == "rpdm": WMs[data_label] = WaveformModes.from_sxs( sxs.rpdmb.load(filenames[data_label]) ) else: raise ValueError( f"File format '{file_format}' not recognized. " "Must be 'SXS', 'CCE', 'SpECTRECCE', 'RPDMB', or 'RPXMB'." ) if kwargs: import pprint warnings.warn("\nUnused kwargs passed to this function:\n{}".format(pprint.pformat(kwargs, width=1))) # Sanity check if not WMs: raise ValueError("No filenames have been provided. The data of at least one waveform quantity is required.") WM_ref = WMs[list(WMs.keys())[0]] for i in WMs: if not (WM_ref.t == WMs[i].t).all(): raise ValueError( f"All waveforms must share the same set of times. The data " f"for {list(WMs.keys())[i].data_type_string} has a different set of times." ) # Create an instance of AsymptoticBondiData abd = AsymptoticBondiData( time=WM_ref.t, ell_max=WM_ref.ell_max, multiplication_truncator=max, ) # Define factors to convert between input waveform convention and Moreschi-Boyle convention conversion_factor = { # "input convention" : [Ψ₀, Ψ₁, Ψ₂, Ψ₃, Ψ₄, h] "moreschi-boyle": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], "spec": [2, -np.sqrt(2), 1, -1 / np.sqrt(2), 0.5, 0.5], } # Load the WaveformModes data into the ABD object and convert to the Moreschi-Boyle convention. if "Psi4" in WMs: abd.psi4[:, sf.LM_index(WMs["Psi4"].ell_min, -WMs["Psi4"].ell_min, 0) :] = ( conversion_factor[convention][4] * WMs["Psi4"].data ) if "Psi3" in WMs: abd.psi3[:, sf.LM_index(WMs["Psi3"].ell_min, -WMs["Psi3"].ell_min, 0) :] = ( conversion_factor[convention][3] * WMs["Psi3"].data ) if "Psi2" in WMs: abd.psi2[:, sf.LM_index(WMs["Psi2"].ell_min, -WMs["Psi2"].ell_min, 0) :] = ( conversion_factor[convention][2] * WMs["Psi2"].data ) if "Psi1" in WMs: abd.psi1[:, sf.LM_index(WMs["Psi1"].ell_min, -WMs["Psi1"].ell_min, 0) :] = ( conversion_factor[convention][1] * WMs["Psi1"].data ) if "Psi0" in WMs: abd.psi0[:, sf.LM_index(WMs["Psi0"].ell_min, -WMs["Psi0"].ell_min, 0) :] = ( conversion_factor[convention][0] * WMs["Psi0"].data ) # ABD uses the Newman-Penrose scalar sigma instead of the strain h, so we have to take # the complex conjugate. if "h" in WMs: abd.sigma[:, sf.LM_index(WMs["h"].ell_min, -WMs["h"].ell_min, 0) :] = ( conversion_factor[convention][5] * WMs["h"].data ) abd.sigma = elif "Strain" in WMs: abd.sigma[:, sf.LM_index(WMs["Strain"].ell_min, -WMs["Strain"].ell_min, 0) :] = ( conversion_factor[convention][5] * WMs["Strain"].data ) abd.sigma = return abd