Source code for scri.asymptotic_bondi_data

import numpy as np
from spherical_functions import LM_total_size
from .. import ModesTimeSeries
from .. import Inertial

[docs] class AsymptoticBondiData: """Class to store asymptotic Bondi data This class stores time data, along with the corresponding values of psi0 through psi4 and sigma. For simplicity, the data are stored as one contiguous array. That is, *all* values are stored at all times, even if they are zero, and all Modes objects are stored with ell_min=0, even when their spins are not zero. The single contiguous array is then viewed as 6 separate ModesTimeSeries objects, which enables them to track their spin weights, and provides various convenient methods like `eth` and `ethbar`; `dot` and `ddot` for time-derivatives; `int` and `iint` for time-integrations; `norm` to take the norm of a function over the sphere; `bar` for conjugation of the functions (which is different from just conjugating the mode weights); etc. It also handles algebra correctly -- particularly addition (which is disallowed when the spin weights differ) and multiplication (which can be delicate with regards to the resulting ell values). This may lead to some headaches when the user tries to do things that are disabled by Modes objects. The goal is to create headaches if and only if the user is trying to do things that really should never be done (like conjugating mode weights, rather than the underlying function; adding modes with different spin weights; etc.). Please open issues for any situations that don't meet this standard. This class also provides various convenience methods for computing things like the mass aspect, the Bondi four-momentum, the Bianchi identities, etc. """ def __init__(self, time, ell_max, multiplication_truncator=sum, frameType=Inertial): """Create new storage for asymptotic Bondi data Parameters ========== time: int or array_like Times at which the data will be stored. If this is an int, an empty array of that size will be created. Otherwise, this must be a 1-dimensional array of floats. ell_max: int Maximum ell value to be stored multiplication_truncator: callable [defaults to `sum`, even though `max` is nicer] Function to be used by default when multiplying Modes objects together. See the documentation for spherical_functions.Modes.multiply for more details. The default behavior with `sum` is the most correct one -- keeping all ell values that result -- but also the most wasteful, and very likely to be overkill. The user should probably always use `max`. (Unfortunately, this must remain an opt-in choice, to ensure that the user is aware of the situation.) """ import functools if np.ndim(time) == 0: # Assume this is just the size of the time array; construct an empty array time = np.empty((time,), dtype=float) elif np.ndim(time) > 1: raise ValueError(f"Input `time` parameter must be an integer or a 1-d array; it has shape {time.shape}") if time.dtype != float: raise ValueError(f"Input `time` parameter must have dtype float; it has dtype {time.dtype}") ModesTS = functools.partial(ModesTimeSeries, ell_max=ell_max, multiplication_truncator=multiplication_truncator) shape = [6, time.size, LM_total_size(0, ell_max)] self.frame = np.array([]) self.frameType = frameType self._time = time.copy() self._raw_data = np.zeros(shape, dtype=complex) self._psi0 = ModesTS(self._raw_data[0], self._time, spin_weight=2) self._psi1 = ModesTS(self._raw_data[1], self._time, spin_weight=1) self._psi2 = ModesTS(self._raw_data[2], self._time, spin_weight=0) self._psi3 = ModesTS(self._raw_data[3], self._time, spin_weight=-1) self._psi4 = ModesTS(self._raw_data[4], self._time, spin_weight=-2) self._sigma = ModesTS(self._raw_data[5], self._time, spin_weight=2) @property def time(self): return self._time @time.setter def time(self, new_time): self._time[:] = new_time return self._time u = time t = time @property def n_times(self): return self.time.size @property def n_modes(self): return self._raw_data.shape[-1] @property def ell_min(self): return self._psi2.ell_min @property def ell_max(self): return self._psi2.ell_max @property def LM(self): return self.psi2.LM @property def sigma(self): return self._sigma @sigma.setter def sigma(self, sigmaprm): self._sigma[:] = sigmaprm return self.sigma @property def psi4(self): return self._psi4 @psi4.setter def psi4(self, psi4prm): self._psi4[:] = psi4prm return self.psi4 @property def psi3(self): return self._psi3 @psi3.setter def psi3(self, psi3prm): self._psi3[:] = psi3prm return self.psi3 @property def psi2(self): return self._psi2 @psi2.setter def psi2(self, psi2prm): self._psi2[:] = psi2prm return self.psi2 @property def psi1(self): return self._psi1 @psi1.setter def psi1(self, psi1prm): self._psi1[:] = psi1prm return self.psi1 @property def psi0(self): return self._psi0 @psi0.setter def psi0(self, psi0prm): self._psi0[:] = psi0prm return self.psi0
[docs] def copy(self): import copy new_abd = type(self)(self.t, self.ell_max) state = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__) new_abd.__dict__.update(state) return new_abd
[docs] def interpolate(self, new_times): new_abd = type(self)(new_times, self.ell_max) new_abd.frameType = self.frameType # interpolate waveform data new_abd.sigma = self.sigma.interpolate(new_times) new_abd.psi4 = self.psi4.interpolate(new_times) new_abd.psi3 = self.psi3.interpolate(new_times) new_abd.psi2 = self.psi2.interpolate(new_times) new_abd.psi1 = self.psi1.interpolate(new_times) new_abd.psi0 = self.psi0.interpolate(new_times) # interpolate frame data if necessary if self.frame.shape[0] == self.n_times: import quaternion new_abd.frame = quaternion.squad(self.frame, self.t, new_times) return new_abd
from .from_initial_values import from_initial_values from .constraints import ( bondi_constraints, bondi_violations, bondi_violation_norms, bianchi_0, bianchi_1, bianchi_2, constraint_3, constraint_4, constraint_mass_aspect, ) from .transformations import transform from .bms_charges import ( mass_aspect, bondi_rest_mass, bondi_four_momentum, bondi_angular_momentum, CWWY_angular_momentum, bondi_dimensionless_spin, bondi_boost_charge, bondi_CoM_charge, supermomentum, ) from .map_to_superrest_frame import map_to_superrest_frame from .map_to_abd_frame import map_to_abd_frame